Friday, August 24, 2018
Typical Solutions for Managing Constipation
Dr. Andrew Johnson of Brampton, Ontario, has been a hospitalist and family physician for over two decades. Experienced in a diverse range of health concerns, Dr. Andrew Johnson treats Brampton-area patients experiencing a variety of symptoms, including constipation.
The following are just a few ways chronic constipation can be treated:
1. Diet. Chronic constipation is typically first treated with dietary modifications intended to speed the motility of stool within the intestines. A diet aimed at treating constipation is high in fiber and includes many daily servings of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.
2. Lifestyle. Physical exercise can alleviate constipation by enhancing muscle activity within the intestines.
3. Fiber supplements. Bulk fibers, laxatives, stimulants, osmotic agents, lubricants, and medications may be used to increase intestinal motility.
4. Surgical treatment. Surgery may be necessary if chronic constipation is caused by a blockage, stricture, rectocele, or anal fissure.
5. Biofeedback training. This therapy involves the use of devices to improve the relaxation and tightening of the pelvic muscles. When these muscles are used as nature intended during defecation, the stool is eliminated more easily.